12th March 201912th March 2019 Anders Östberg – The Stars are Beautiful Anders Östberg reaches out to the stars. He can see a lot of them in his hometown somewhere in Sweden. The music might be defined...
21st December 2018 Radio On Stockhausen Here's a show from our archive, when Radio On was a two men venture based in an ex-DDR lightbulb factory. This show was first transmitted...
25th March 201530th March 2015 Spock’s Birthday Party Let's get this straight right away. One can believe that the earthling known as Leonard Nimoy was a Hollywood actor who got famous for playing...
29th January 2015 Antonio Mainenti – The 16th Century and Auto-Tune + Artificial Paradise In this new program Antonio Mainenti will prove how the Auto-Tune plugin connects directly to the baroque compositions of the 16th Century. If you don't...
20th December 20143rd January 2015 Rinus van Alebeek – Tapes and Talks from the Mulinen Studio – Space Trip Mantras Tapes and Talks from the Mulinen Studio, presented by me (Rinus van Alebeek) is made in Il Porticello, a castle on the coast of Capo...