17th January 20187th October 2018 Polish Journal Volume 9 by Rinus Van Alebeek The Polish Journals are a series of reports and observations recorded on tape with the use of a handheld sony walkman. The recordings are made...
1st January 2018 Polish Journal volume 8 by Rinus Van Alebeek The Polish Journals are a series of reports and observations recorded on tape with the use of a handheld sony walkman. The recordings are made...
19th December 2017 Tape Review Show – The Start Here collection by Andy Birtwistle, part 2 Welcome to the Republic of Radio On In a little submarine . genderneutral mermaids vs black mermaids . mermaids and seahorses in Cornwall . mermaid...
5th December 2017 Polish Journal volume 7 by Rinus Van Alebeek The Polish Journals are a series of reports and observations recorded on tape with the use of a handheld sony walkman. The recordings are made...
15th November 201715th November 2017 Polish Journal volume 6 by Rinus Van Alebeek The Polish Journals are a series of reports and observations recorded on tape with the use of a handheld sony walkman. The recordings are made...
26th July 20172nd October 2017 Polish Journal, Volume 3 by Rinus Van Alebeek The third Polish journal is recorded in May 2017. I used a handheld Sony walkman and recorded my observations directly on tape. You will hear...