Brave Ear – Jason Honea meets Diät and Penny Rafferty

Diät is a band based in Berlin. They do interviews. Like this one, and they do covers like this one:


Second guest is Penny Rafferty and she will talk about prosumerism* and punk as dada ( luckily not about “punk as data” – though “data = dada” might be a useless alternative).


Take the smooth way to Wild County, get seduced, intrigued, mesmerised by Jason’s Californian radio voice, throw in some accents as well, wine, music, actionart at the speed of life.

BANG! Here is Brave Ear.

Live from the Oranien Studio in the heart of legendary Kreuzberg, the place where leather jackets and left hands just smell better.

Wednesday 11.December 22:00-24:00 Berlin Time and 12.December 08:00-10:00 Sydney Time, Brave Ear, Jason Honey talks with Diät and Penny Rafferty

* prosumerism definitions are on websites with a lot of adds on them. Radio On doesn’t want to link you there.