Tuesday 19.November – Shephard & Van Alebeek with GUEST! Ieva Jansone

Adrian Shephard and Rinus Van Alebeek receive Ieva Jansone in the Oranien Studio tonight, in the middle of legendary Kreuzberg, the place where cars burn and riot squad love community singing.


Ieva born 1971 in Latvia is based in Berlin since 2011. Known or not known as a visual artist, that was then, she is currently much more interested in looking for alternatives, parallel worlds, different “bubbles”, asking people her “100 mio question”, disseminating insubordinate stickers, pamphlets and much more.

Listen to some of our 100 million questions on our way to the ultimate answer.


ieva 100 mio.question

Shephard & Van Alebeek broadcast on 19.November 22:00-24:00 Berlin Time and 19-20.November 23:00-01.00 Riga Time


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