Tuesday 17.September 20.00-21.00 – SIBERIA!

It is autumn and postcapitalism is finally showing its ugly, unforgiving face.


In this week’s show, Siberia’s much-loved hosts, Cesip Xynic and Ad Izrailevich Lokshin, discuss postmodernist Russian literature in the 1990’s, as represented by Vladimir Sorokin and Victor Pelevin, read notable passages from their books and take note of more recent events and developments.

In short: in Rostov, a man has recently been shot for his views on Immanuel Kant’s philosophy; the next anti-gay law is undoubtedly in the making and we are closing the window tighter in expectation of colder temperatures and begin our literature hour on Siberia. Everybody dance!

Siberia for the Whole Family airs on Tuesday 17.September 20.00-21.00 Berlin Time and 18.September 01.00-02.00 Novosibirsk Time
