Monday 23rd September. Hitler’s walk, a Radio On Berlin walking tour

Jason, Adrian and Rinus have decided to team up and offer you a Radio On Berlin walking tour.

Hitler’s walk will lead you to Hitler’s Berlin starting from his rise to power in the early 1930s to his death in 1945. Jason Honea and Rinus van Alebeek will narrate the walk, both Jason and Rinus are experienced tour guides. Adrian Shephard will document the walk. The walk is open to an audience. The participation fee of 10€ will be used to cover the costs of maintaining various Radio On Berlin websites and thus guarantee that we can continue to offer our shows and podcasts for free. Meeting point is at the U-Bahnhof Mohrenstrasse. We will do this walk on Monday 23rd of September, starts at 14:30.

If you’d like to join us you can use the donation button on this site for registration. Just write down that it’s for the walk. You can also register through various insta or FB accounts where this walk is advertised.

Please let us know if you would like to join us but can’t on this Monday. We can offer this walk on other days as well, in English and in Dutch.

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