16th August 2017 Disastronaut in Berlin – Interview with Jeff Reed Jeff is becoming a regular on our radio. He comes over from the UK for a blitz visit to Berlin, and always, and nicely so,...
26th July 20172nd October 2017 Polish Journal, Volume 3 by Rinus Van Alebeek The third Polish journal is recorded in May 2017. I used a handheld Sony walkman and recorded my observations directly on tape. You will hear...
22nd July 2017 Polish Journal, Volume 2 by Rinus Van Alebeek The second volume of the Polish Journal covers the period from the end of April to the beginning of May 2017. Holding a cassette walkman...
17th July 201717th July 2017 Braille Satellite, Oscar Olias talks about the festival On a rainy but delightful Sunday afternoon Oscar Olias came to our studio to talk about the Braille Satellite festival. The festival is held in...
1st July 20172nd July 2017 Coffee Corner Red Carpet Show with special guest Angie Yeowell Adrian Shephard and Rinus Van Alebeek went for a coffee in their favourite bar. A nice Summer's day, all the seats outside were taken. They...
12th May 201712th May 2017 Polish Journal by Rinus Van Alebeek Inspired by Adrian Shephard's Tapes from Istanbul I decided to start recording my thoughts and observations as they came, when walking streets or looking at every...
11th May 2017 Adrian Shephard – The Spielplatz Memoirs #1 with Barbara Lazara Adrian says, that he has "a daughter Maya who will eventually replace me on Radio-On. She is now 2 years old and currently obsessed with...
10th April 201711th July 2017 The Bookshop 'Another Country' In the documentary you hear voices. Normally it comes with images. The real image can only be seen and felt in the bookshop...
31st March 201731st March 2017 Tapes from Istanbul – Adrian Shephard (August 2015) When I listened to Tapes from Istanbul, through my headphones, I was thrilled from the very first steps that Adrian described. I had to think...