Every Thursday at 20:00 Berlin Time, Brainhall Art Productions presents an episode of their ongoing series. In the middle of each month a new program...
In a recent article in the Collectors Weekly, called Cassette Revolution the world wide movement of home producers and cassette exchangers is given a lot...
A new episode of APDM, the edit of the itinerant radio program especially made for Radio On. William Nurdin goes places, meets people, records conversations,...
Radio On FM is a program that makes use of the manipulative qualities of music. Movies, documentaries, reportages, in almost all of the productions music...
Friday evening, the 5th of June, between 20:00 and 21:00 Berlin time Adrian Shephard will talk with Andreas Glauser and Christian Bucher. Glauser and Bucher...
Staaltape has released two reports by Radio On Berlin, Side A: a visit to an exhibition by David Arnoff plus interview.
Side B: In search of Nico’s grave – Grunewald Forst – Berlin. Click here for Bandcamp release
An original TDK C60 was reused for this purpose with handmade artwork.
Donations will go to Radio On to cover the costs of maintaining the website & podcasts.