Jade on Jade, episode two – The Stationery Artist

‘I met up with Jade Blue to record this second episode and order a giant breakfast which never arrived in Berlin close to Hermannplatz (note there is a 1.1 episode but that is still to come). For those who have been following Jades’ adventures you will know about her stationery compulsions and her aversion to becoming stationary. This episode was fascinating for me as i haven’t seen Jade since she was diagnosed with breast cancer 7 months ago and she was open enough to talk very directly about her chemo therapy on record. Her normally highly planned life was literally turned on its head for a moment and Jade gives us, the listener the benefit of her experiences, the good , the bad and the downright ugly – Enjoy !’ – Adrian Shephard August 2017 —

Now review by Rinus Van Alebeek —

Breakfast at Hasenheide surrounded by tiny birds
and the talk starts with the tale
of how Jade woke up at three o’clock in the night
with her hand on her tit, and found this golfball inside.

Follows a list of therapies.

And how to deal with it, because Jade is not very good at slowing down.

Chemo is a c***,
it is like looking into the abyss.

follows a talk about crystal dildo’s.

People came closer, others went further away.

Here come the new tattoos on Jade’s skin:
the lightning bolt as a symbol of power,
so went the idea
but a nightmare changed it all: the use of stationery (pens, paper, crayons) was made illegal!

Follows the story of people hiding in cars and selling pencils on the black market.


Pens are Jade’s friends.

So, no lightning bolt, but a symbol of HER power instead: The Pencil!

How does it feel…how does it feel…chemo ..steroids..anti-nausea..feeling like every muscle has been slammed against the wall…difficult breathing …how does it feel…how does it make you feel.

oh, a phone call..it’s Mustapha..follow the directions…

Back to the Brighton pier and the moment of the big crisis and ending up in hospital.

Chemo is a c*** (repeat)

talk about morphine.

Jade is going to Tokyo!
Jade is going to Lisbon too!
follows a talk about her agenda.

Jade ends her talk with lessons on traumatic events.

And Mustapha with an icecream.

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